Archive for March, 2008

My Mental Fight With “Lollipop”

Posted in Personal on March 30, 2008 by huntingforwitches

OK. If people know anything about my career, its that I stand in direct opposite of everything hip-hop is these days. I’m not one of those “bring real hip-hop back” dudes. I understand that its party music sometimes, and that its serious sometimes. The divide needs to exist in order to give people choices. It doesn’t always have to be lyrical. Sometimes its just a good time. However, I don’t think we need to excuse some songs. Yes, Soulja Boy makes dance music. But that shit is devoid of anything. There’s been plenty of good dance songs that have SOMETHING going on in them. (example: Rapper’s Delight had a storyline that was pretty detailed). Its chanting music. There should be no excusing under the grounds that its just party music. However, even inside myself, I fight with this belief I have. I blame a mouse looking fellow by the name of Dewayne Carter, commonly known as Lil Wayne. I can’t seem to step 20 feet without hearing about his newest single “Lollipop.” On paper, it could quite possibly be one of the worst songs EVER recorded. I’ve never heard a rapper release a single that has no FUCKING rapping (unless you count like Ja Rule’s whole career after Venni Vedi Vecci) . The beat is a cheesy repetitive synth noise that should drive me nuts. And its got no hook (I blame the Dream for this whole “repeat the same shit during the hook” phase black music is currently experiencing). And I’m kinda on the fence about R&B singers on rap songs. But secretly…….

I FUCKING LOVE “LOLLIPOP”!!!!!!! It makes me chuckle beyond belief. I get excited as soon as that stupid synth hits.  I dance whenever it comes on. And I’ll be damned if its not catchy. I’m a grown-ass man. And I walk around singing this stupid shit. It scares me. It makes me wonder if I’ll turn into that kinda of rapper. I refuse damnit!!!! But I do envy the fact that people walk around singing that song. Soon enough, Eagle, soon enough.