About the Writer

I’m Alex Ludovico/Kyle Hargrove.
22 years old.
Self-described “Afro-Punk”
Enamored with all things music.
The dopest MC you’ll ever hear. ( ALEX LUDOVICO)
If you call me a rapper, I’ll probably never be friends with you.
I would tell you what my favorite album is, but it changes every week.
Kurt Cobain is my personal Jesus.
The title of this blog is one of my favorite songs ever.
White people call me a hipster, black people just call me a weird nigga.
I also secretly aspire to fit “nigga” into every sentence I utter.
Want your music reviewed by a fellow struggling musician???

One Response to “About the Writer”

  1. max davis Says:

    your music is dope. I’ve been a resident dj at a club in guadalajara mexico for a while. I worked a cut of yours into a mix I did last weekend, and people went nuts. Much love for your music, and get international son.

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